Malaysian Dedicated Hosting Services

Today, we are living in a global village of materialism where everyone is looking for better livelihood. So, in this hour of human's life, technology has a big hand on the economies and life standards of individuals. Those who are technically strong, have an edge on others so as per our current topic, Malaysia is being counted one of those nations which have powerful structure in terms of technology. It does mean, it has a wealthy market who is also capable to proceed with buying and engaging with digital transactions so all the companies and organization with multinational occupancy cannot ignore such territory then why you. If you in search of dedicated hosting or you want to explore this market, be online, make your products and services live for its people. Whether you are budget conscious or looking for heavy resources we have both solutions for you with ability to handle your allocated resources devotedly through dedicated hosting in Malaysia. Explore more below how you can select the best possible type for your project to maintain the requirements and even ask for any customized configuration.

  • Cyberjaya, kuala lumpur based datacenter
  • ISP Gigabit Hosting Sdn Bhd
  • SSD Storage with RAID
  • Use as Gaming, Proxy or Web Server
  • Different DCs for Windows and Linux OS
  • KVM Virtualization, multi core instances

VPS Hosting Malaysia

Having low budgets, or at the moment you do not look for a machine which can offer you more than respectful amount of resources and the only thing is the location and true control with in the vicinity of Southeast Asian premises. If so the appropriate solution is to buy a VPS hosting in Malaysia. Our offered virtualization comes under a KVM grip, virtualized under a fully loaded branded machine, have large number of cores with Raid 10 SSD storage, 100 Mbps networking connectivity and large number of monthly traffic which is different for different plans. Every instance has root access which means you have full freedom to implement whatever atmosphere and platform you want to accomplish with. You can avail licensed Windows 2016 and 2019 and at the same time mostly used Linux operating systems like Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu and much more. As it does not offer cloud hosting structure so for a single component upgradation, you may have to move on to next available plan and have to migrate whole configuration and data onto new VM. After getting a container provisioned, you can ask for re-installation of OS or if there you need a hard reboot. If you are unable to find the configuration you are looking for, please contact our sales team which may come back with a custom quote and strong solution.

Low Latency

Low Latency

You guarantee fastest browsing and access to your resources for Southeast Asian region and more chances to have probability in getting good position in search engines.

Quality Matters

Quality Matters

Whatever sort of business you have and whatever dedicated hosting kind you want to start with you must have believe in us for issuing you high standard service with all best.

Dedicated Server Malaysia

You believe that the only available option to run your application is a Malaysia based hosting with extra ordinary machine efficiency and immense amount of assets in it then contemplate getting a dedicated server hosting Malaysia, up from Tier III datacenter. It will not only lower your latency for local public but also give you a chance to have an influence in whole Southeast Asian part of the earth. We have designed and deployed number of various specifications in terms of associated resources like Memory, Space and processors, about 99% of new and recurring clients can make a use of them in their desired scenarios. If you are the one who is also looking for a powerful and secure online machine to make it a proxy, gaming, web or mail server to utilize it for Malaysian market, you can order and get one deployed today. We assure you the stability of network, equipment and support with a maximal SLA which guarantee your business highest accuracy and booming performance and peace of mind. Maximum provisioning time for an ordered server could be 72 working hours after order and verification of payment though later you can include various available addon to maximize your control and convenience.

South Korea VPS Server

Want to consider exploring Korean market or you really are in need of being live through that location, we have whole setup of virtualization which can lead you to deal with your requirements, browse now and choose a South Korean VPS Hosting plan.

Japanese Dedicated Servers

You are in big investment mode for getting maximum boom in your business or you are currently in a specific needs which can be sorted out through a bare metal heavy duty fully fledged devoted hosting then buy a dedicated server in Japan.